1. 凯发K8·特别设计的农业会议室

    Specially designed agricultural meeting room
  2. 凯发K8·个性化体育训练计划

    Personalized sports training program
  3. 凯发K8·定制化智能家居系统

    Customized smart home system
  4. 凯发K8·新颖食品配送技术

    Novel food delivery technology
  5. 凯发K8·特色品牌颜色方案设计

    Characteristic brand color scheme design
  6. 凯发K8·区块链技术在网络内容版权保护中的应用

    The application of blockchain technology in the copyright protection of network content
  7. 凯发K8·建筑材料生产中的5G技术应用

    Application of 5G technology in the production of building materials
  8. 凯发K8·创意包装设计定制

    Creative packaging design customization
  9. 凯发K8·无人机通信技术

    Uav communication technology
  10. 凯发K8·专属定制网上商城

    Exclusive custom online mall
  11. 凯发K8·个性化客户调研活动

    Personalized customer research activities
  12. 凯发K8·独特的公司虚拟产品演示

    Unique company virtual product demo

about us


公司具有18年的专业制造经验,已通过ISO9001: 2008质量体系认证,荣获国家多项证书。公司实力雄厚,拥有CNC数控车床、铣床、磨床等生产设备多台,现有职工一百多名,数十名国内研发人员专注于行业技术创新。



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技术支持: 扬天网络